More than 220,000 foreigners currently are living in Lithuania – a record number. The Migration Information Centre "MiCenter", established by the International Organization for Migration (IOM Lithuania), invites foreigners living in the country to get to know the Lithuanian language better and to ch...
International Organization for Migration
6 articles
Pirmą kartą nuo Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo Lietuvoje stebima migracijos teigiamo balanso tendencija – jau trejus metus iš eilės Lietuvos piliečių grįžta daugiau, nei išvyksta. Valstybės duomenų agentūros duomenimis, 2022 m. į šalį grįžo 14 352 gyventojų – 13 proc. daugiau, nei išvyko. Kokios priežast...
Lithuania's immigration rate more than doubled in the first half of this year compared with a year ago, while its emigration rate fell by almost one-fourth, according to the latest official statistics.
The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry has provided 50,000 euros in humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Lithuania's economic indicators are no longer having an impact on emigration flows, a new trend that has been observed in recent years, the head of the Vilnius office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Tuesday.
200 asylum applicants have been relocated and resettled to Lithuania from Greece and Turkey in 2016. Since it is their first Christmas in Lithuania, International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Vilnius together with Rukla refugee reception centre organized an initiative to share the Christmas s...