The project has received more than 1000 nominations from all around the world. The "100 Women of Lithuania" list includes various women that deserved appreciation: the President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė, worldwide famous pianist Ms. Mūza Rubackytė, opera soloist Ms. Violeta Urmana, anthropologist prof. Birutė Galdikas, the author of historical novel „Silva rerum" Ms. Kristina Sabaliauskaitė and other famous women.

The list of 100 women, which could be found HERE, also includes less known but very talented Lithuanians: traveler and photographer Ms. Nijolė Kudirka, who lives in New York, visual modern art creator Ms. Daina Mattis, artificial intelligence expert Ms. Violeta Vogel, De Montfort university in the UK scientist-immunologist Dr. Rūta Furmonavičienė, energy security analyst Dr. Agnia Grigas and other Lithuanians of the world.

"We are glad that we managed to achieve one of the most important goals of the project: we managed to notice women who make Lithuania famous and are not necessarily well-known for society. This was possible only because we received nominations from all over the world" – said Project Manager Ms. Evelina Kurgonaitė. "The team that works in Vilnius, Brussels and London has contributed to building stronger bridges that connect Lithuanians with the ones living abroad".

According to the Project Manager, the women nominated work and create in New York, Chicago ir other parts of the U.S., Canada, London and other capitals of Europe as well as Dubai, Malaysia, China and Australia. The spectrum of professional activity of those women is spectacularly wide: scientists of different areas, businesswomen, high-level professionals in international corporations and organizations (NATO, UN, EU). The purpose of "100 Women of Lithuania" list was to reflect this variety.

The list of 100 women of Lithuania includes the most significant women in art, culture, science, invention and innovation, State administration, security and civil society areas.

Long awaited initiative

"Project "100 Women of Lithuania" is long awaited and meaningful." – Shares her joy Ms. Dalia Ibelhauptaitė, who was nominated in "Art and Culture" category. "Lithuania has incredibly high number of women that work hard and have impressive careers and achievements not only in Lithuania but in international areas as well.

We are used to talk about "public" women – representatives of entertainment world, everyday stars of TV screens and magazines – more often. We call them "starts" or "elite", while women that achieved a lot in art, science or business are publicly noticed less frequently. This project helps us hear about those women, who (maybe) we have not known before."

Businesswoman, developer, founder and the CEO of translation company "Today Translations" in London Mrs. Jurga Žilinskienė believes that this project is important not only because of the 100 years Lithuania's restoration celebration. It inspires and motivates our generation.

"I am glad that Lithuanians working abroad have not been forgotten and appreciated. This appraisal is very important for us"– Mrs. J. Žilinskienė shares her thoughts, who has been included in the top 100 in "Business" category. "In my opinion, the project sends a very important message to all women: support of the surrounding is one of success elements in any activity" – shares her insight Mrs. Rūta Klimašauskienė, Doctor of social sciences, who installs innovative personnel management methodology, based on neuroscience research, in companies.

"I hope that this initiative will not be like a comet's appearance in the sky and it will evolve to tradition" – shares expectations Ms. Violeta Vogel.

Effort to save what has been achieved so far

Dr. Jovita Neliupšienė is an ambassador, Lithuania's representative in the European Union has been evaluated in the "100 Women of Lithuania" list due to her representation of Lithuania in international organizations. She emphasizes: "We need a lot more effort to save what we have achieved when we have so many challenged around us. We are free, safe and we are European citizens. None of these values are given to us for free. I feel well working with colleagues in Lithuania and Brussels and contributing to maintaining and cherishing those values".

Project team seeks to promote Lithuanians abroad and strengthen connection among Lithuanians in the world. They aim to cooperate with diaspora and involve Lithuanians all around the world in different activities.

Rapidly growing international platform's "Women At" (W@) community was founded in Brussels in order to connect knowledge of various Lithuanian professionals.

"My heart is singing. I have not only found out about so many amazing women. This non-commerce initiative, made for Lithuania's Restoration Day, has connected many great people that was interesting and exciting to work with. – Gladly said organizer Ms. E. Kurgonaitė – I am particularly thankful to the team that is spread out all across Europe. We have managed to collect professionals' knowledge and experience, supplementing each other for a common goal. Of course, thank you for the election board that had to make the hardest decisions".

"100 Women of Lithuania" project is carried out by international platform "Women At" (W@) in cooperation with the Lithuanian World Community (LWC) and Global Lithuanian Leaders (GLL). Mentorship program "Women Go Tech" team, World's Lithuanian Youth Union and association "Leader" have also contributed to the project.

The purpose of "W@" is to create conditions for women to become a part of wider society in relation to their knowledge and capabilities, which would allow them build more professional possibilities. "W@" connects similar professional groups: W@Tech, W@LawLT, W@Competition and so on. Members not only enjoy connecting, but they also get an opportunity to employ their professional knowledge.
