As data of the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Lithuania shows, more than 13 thousand (13 612) of them voted by showing up in embassies or diplomatic representation places.

Over 27 thousand (27 892) votes were sent by post.

Among World Lithuanians in the presidential election, Ingrida Simonyte leads (14.25 pm, May 13). She got 52,02% while Gitanas Nauseda 28,83%.

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis finishes third with 7,12%. A. Juozaitis - 4,44%, V. P. Andriukaitis - 2,99%, M. Puidokas - 2,63%, V. Tomasevski - 0,70%, N. Puteikias - 0,87%, and V. Mazuronis - 0,40%.

Most active were Lithuanians in the United Kingdom (13 421) Ireland (3585 voters), the United States (Chicago - 3675, New York - 1125, Los Angeles - 770), and Norway (3012).

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