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Rodyti diskusiją (2)
2019.06.06 10:00
LOGIN 2019. SEB Salė. I diena
10:00 Lovelda Vincenzi // Opening
10:15 Jonathan Løw // How do you create the next Netflix?
11:00 Marta Krupinska // How to scale a startup from 0 to 1 million customers
12:00 Dhiraj Mukherjee // The Story of Shazam
13:00 Margrethe Vestager // A Conversation with Margrethe Vestager
14:00 Vincent Villeger // Packaging: what’s in it for me?
15:00 Kidus Asfaw // Doing good is Good Bussiness: How Tech Sector Can Help Advance the Rights of Children
16:00 Andy King // A Fyreside chat with Andy King