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2019.06.07 10:00
LOGIN 2019 tiesiogiai: buvęs Estijos prezidentas Toomas Hendrik Ilves
10:00 Erwin Hartenberg // An exploration of innovation – how the triangle of purpose, creativity and artificial intelligence allows you to achieve more
11:00 Ingrida Šimonytė ir Beata Nicholson // Pokalbis su Ingrida Šimonyte
12:00 Marta Krupinska // How to scale a startup from 0 to 1 million customers
13:00 Marian Salzman // Transforming business in the XXI century
14:00 Chris Wylie // A fireside chat with Christopher Wylie
15:00 Justin Cooke // Marketing can change the world
16:00 Toomas Hendrik Ilves // Digitalizing country with Toomas Hendrik Ilves