Boxer IFVs

20 straipsnių

The first two German Boxer infantry fighting vehicles purchased by Lithuania's Armed Forces were delivered to Lithuania in early hours of Friday, the Defence Ministry said.

2017.12.15 12:58
Aleksejus Podpruginas | the Lithuania Tribune

Lithuania has closed a deal with the Israeli weapon company “Rafael” and will get new-generation missiles and remote controlled weapon stations, according to the Israeli newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth”.

2016.09.01 08:33

Lithuania on Monday signed a contract to purchase German Boxer infantry fighting vehicles for nearly €386 million, which is the most expensive acquisition in the history of Lithuania's Armed Forces.

2016.08.22 10:34
the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

Lithuania's Ministry of National Defence and the army are signing a deal with a German company on the purchase of Boxer armoured infantry vehicles.

2016.08.22 07:55
LT Daily, TV3

When Lithuania had huddled up under NATO’s wing, it felt more secure and even unconcerned as to where it would get more funding for its army or how it could modernize it. The events in Georgia and Ukraine, however, jolted the Baltic country out of its lethargy and forced it to look at how it can str...

2016.01.11 12:41

Lithuania expects to conclude its deal with Artec over acquiring infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) Boxer in July, the country's army chief Lieutenant General Jonas Vytautas Žukas said. Before that, the army needs to finish talks with the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) which will ...

2016.01.08 15:39
LT Daily, LRT

The biggest military purchase in the history of the Lithuanian army will present plenty of opportunities to local entrepreneurs. After the Lithuanian government decided to open talks on acquiring almost one hundred German Boxer infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), negotiators say they will try to secu...

2015.12.15 12:02