
27 straipsnių

Marcus Kolga

I first met Linas Linkevičius, then Lithuania’s ambassador to NATO in the late 2000s, in Brussels. Knowing my Estonian background, he joked that Estonians were committed to fighting for the Baltic nations’ freedom until the last Lithuanian fell. Behind the former Foreign Minister’s humour lies a poi...

2024.10.04 10:06
Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė

Lithuania has been ranked 39th in the global democracy index for 2023 with a score of 7.31 out of 10, the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) said Wednesday. The country’s position was the same as a year before.

2024.06.26 15:14

О ситуации вокруг Украины в программе "Delfi.Главное" беседуем с политологом и телеведущим, директором некоммерческой международной организации Eurasia Democracy Initiative (EDI) Питером Залмаевым, которого российский канал НТВ в своем пропагандистском сюжете назначил организатором массовых протесто...

2022.02.12 17:00
Thomas Andrew Bryer, a professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida and a professor at Kaunas University of Technology

In the past couple of months, leading up to events transpiring in cities around the country these past few weeks, foundational issues and values of who we are as a country and as a people are being tested and debated, not only in legislative bodies and court rooms, but on social media and on the str...

2020.06.18 10:58

В больнице английского города Лестер пациенту вместо операции на мочевом пузыре по ошибке сделали обрезание, за что он получил компенсацию в 20 000 фунтов (примерно 21 000 евро).

2019.08.06 16:24
the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

A war being waged between the current Polish government and the country’s Constitutional Court is undermining the country's democracy and rule of law according to leading experts.

2016.05.10 08:04
prof. Andrius Vaišnys, žurnalistas, Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto dekanas

„Kiek manyje liko Putino?“ Lygiai tiek, kiek man, prabėgus 25 metams, vis dar yra suprantama ir priimtina filosofija, kad priešus reikia pamerkti išvietėje. Nesubtilu? Bet suprantu, ką jis sako. Ir todėl, kad moku tą seną kalbą (lietuviškai vis dar nerandu žodžių taip gerai „išsireikšti“), ir todėl,...

2016.01.11 10:42
Stephen B. Nix

The dangerous actions by Russia and Vladimir Putin pose the greatest challenge to security and democracy since WWII. This applies not only to the countries within Eurasia, but to our post-war vision of a Europe whole, free and at peace. While not necessarily a return to the Cold War, the current sit...

2015.09.18 18:19
Ludo Segers | the Lithuania Tribune

Monday afternoon saw about 200 academics, political scientists, diplomats, members of the Seimas (parliament), democracy promoting think-thanks and action groups gathering in the Presidential Palace in Vilnius for the start of a two-day conference to discuss democracy or the lack thereof, particular...

2015.09.15 09:22