On the occasion of the Centenary of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania and the 100th anniversary of the birth of Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, the Seimas acknowledged Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom ...
Jonas Žemaitis - Vytautas EN
3 straipsnių
2018.11.26 16:36
The guerilla war that started in Lithuania at the end of the second World War Two was the state's legitimate self-defense against the Soviet aggression and Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, whose remains were buried in a state funeral on Saturday, was the commander-in-chief of the republic's armed forces...
2018.10.08 10:14
Lithuania's residents and historians believe that the three figures with the main contribution to the country's statehood over the past century include Jonas Basanavičius, the father of national rebirth, Supreme Council Chairman Vytautas Landsbergis and interwar president Antanas Smetona.
2018.01.02 18:17