Two applicants – Icor's engineering product and solution company Axis Industries and Vilniaus Nacionalinis Stadionas (Vilnius National Stadium) – have submitted final offers for the concession tender of the national stadium complex next to the Akropolis mall in Vilnius.
Krzysztof Koziol
3 straipsnių
Vilniaus meras Remigijus Šimašius penktadienį susitinka su viena potencialių nacionalinio stadiono Vilniuje koncesijos konkurso dalyvių, Lenkijos statybų bendrove „Budimex“.
Poland's construction group Budimex has refused to take part in the 90-million-euro tender to build and manage the national stadium in Vilnius. The company, which had formed a consortium with Lithuania's KDS Grupė, said it had lost interest in the project, as it was too risky.