„Linkiu vaikams nenuobodžiauti, netinginiauti, net ir namie galima prisigalvoti įvairių gerų dalykų, o atitrūkus nuo kompiuterių ir telefonų, skaityti knygas! Žinau, kas nors gal susirauks, išgirdęs apie knygų skaitymą... Bet pabandykim. Knygos moko svajoti“, – pasitinkant naujus mokslo metus skaity...
Leif Arne Ulland
9 straipsnių
The Lithuanian media has lately caused some stir with stories about Lithuanian expatriates in Norway who have had their children "taken away" by childcare services. Norway's Ambassador to Lithuania Leif Arne Ulland says that his country takes children's welfare very seriously and makes no distinctio...
Norway's Ambassador Ulland: Child welfare is top consideration for Norwegian institutions, regardless of citizenship (1)
The Lithuanian media has lately caused some stir with stories about Lithuanian expatriates in Norway who have had their children "taken away" by childcare services. Norway's Ambassador to Lithuania Leif Arne Ulland says that his country takes children's welfare very seriously and makes no distinctio...
Norway is among the leading nations in the global energy industry and Lithuania's strategic partner in the Klaipėda LNG Terminal project, the centrepiece of the country's energy independence strategy. Norway's Ambassador to Vilnius Leif Arne Ulland says it has not been an easy battle, but Lithuania ...
DELFI EN spoke to the Norwegian Ambassador about the LNG terminal in Klaipėda. For Norway oil and gas are commercial areas, but at the same time Norway, just as the EU, supports Lithuania and the Baltic countries in their wish to achieve energy independence. With “Independence” on its way to Klaipėd...
There are some 50,000 Lithuanians living in Norway. While the media is quick to cover crimes and criminal gang activity, giving Lithuanian expatriates a bad name in both their adopted and home countries, Ambassador of Norway Leif Arne Ulland says most of them have managed to integrate quite well and...
The Lithuania Tribune spoke to Norwegian Ambassador to Lithuania Leif A. Ulland. The ambassador is just about to complete his four-year term in Vilnius. Lithuanians are the third largest national minority in Norway. We asked the ambassador to tell as about the Lithuanians in Norway.
The Lithuania Tribune spoke to Norwegian Ambassador to Lithuania Leif A. Ulland. The ambassador is just about to complete his four-year term in Vilnius. The Lithuania Tribune asked about ambassador’s impressions of Lithuania, cooperation between the two countries and its future.
Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius has met with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway Leif Arne Ulland, who ends his term in Lithuania. During the meeting, the Prime Minister emphasized that Norway is an important partner of Lithuania and thanked the Ambassador for his personal contribution to th...