Mardi Gras

9 straipsnių

David van Roon, the Lithuania Tribune

The annual Užgavėnės celebrations on Tuesday turned the courtyard of the Teachers' House in Vilnius into a strange world full of masked people, a burning doll, and a vast amount of pancakes.

the Lithuania Tribune

Lithuania is celebrating Mardi Gras on Tuesday, or as it is called locally, Užgavėnės. On this day, Lithuanians traditionally chase out the winter and have fun before the seven-week lent period leading up to Easter.

Ludo Segers | the Lithuania Tribune

On Tuesday, 17 February, the Embassy of Lithuania in Washington took on a bit of pagan festive charm, celebrating Užgavėnės (Shrove Tuesday) with an evening of music and typical food. The evening was organised by the Lithuanian Community of Washington. A surprising large crowd gathered as the US Cap...

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Pasipūtęs, išlepintas ir paviršutiniškas. Taip – ir dar blogiau – buvo apibūdinamas Sidnėjus, bet paprastai žmonių, gyvenančių mažiau kerinčiose Australijos kontinento dalyse. Nesunku suprasti, kodėl Sidnėjus kelia tokį pavydą. Be savo televizijai sukurto uosto, šis miestas turi beveik viską, ko gal...