Neris Germanas EN

11 straipsnių

Neris Germanas (born on 7 December, 1946 in Šiauliai) - engineer, Lithuanian political figure, diplomat.

Maria Christina Lundqvist, Neris Germanas

The names and places associated with the atrocities that stain the world’s recent history are only too well known: Guernica, Babi Yar, Sharpeville, Treblinka, Hiroshima, Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica and, more recently, Aleppo and Yemen, to name but a few. The memories of those who have suffered are a...

2017.10.25 12:13

Foreign vice-ministers Neris Germanas and Darius Skusevičius along with adviser to Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, Domas Petrulis, last Friday left the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, which has terminated the ruling coalition with the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union.

2017.10.17 09:05

Following a scandal surrounding a trip to Russia by youth of Plungė, western Lithuania, a few ministries will update their recommendations on cooperation with Eastern neighbors to ensure due attention to the factor of hostile propaganda, a decision was made at a meeting of the parliamentary National...

2017.07.21 09:25