Palanga Airport

13 straipsnių

With the continued growth in air passenger traffic, almost half a million passengers were served at Lithuanian airports in April, and the total number of aircraft was even higher than in the same period in 2019, when the peak of flights was recorded. Kaunas Airport is showing the most impressive gro...

2023.05.24 17:12

Ryanair announced a new Palanga route to Dublin, with a three times weekly service commencing in March 2020, as part of Ryanair’s Palanga summer 2019 schedule, with the full schedule to be announced soon.

2019.09.25 13:13

Precisely 5 years have passed since the time when on 1 July 2014, the merger of all the Lithuanian airports into one company – Lithuanian Airports – was announced, the company writes in a press release.

2019.07.07 14:25

Today, one of the most valuable currencies is time, especially in the business world. Any slowdown is treated as a loss of revenue. Therefore constant, convenient and prompt connectivity is especially prized by both businessmen and entrepreneurs, writes

2019.06.03 06:53