Lithuania will keep the option of sending troops to the international operation in Syria but has not plans to do that any time soon, it turned out on Thursday during the deliberation of a Seimas resolution on giving mandate for troops to take part in international operations over the next two years.
Persian Gulf
4 straipsnių
2019.11.21 18:25
The Defense Ministry will propose to somewhat increase Lithuania's military contribution to missions in Mali and Afghanistan and to send troops to the Strait of Hormuz to help protect shipping in the Persian Gulf.
2019.09.28 08:44
Lithuania is considering sending troops to the Strait of Hormuz to contribute to an international mission to protect shipping in the Persian Gulf.
2019.09.20 17:52
Lithuania's Minister of National Defense Raimundas Karoblis says international forces in the Persian Gulf would contribute to the reduction of tensions between the United States and Iran, but doubts whether Lithuania would have resources to contribute to such a mission.
2019.06.29 16:00