Nemunas Dawn chair Remigijus Žemaitaitis says neither he nor any other representative of his party will attend party leaders’ meeting with President Gitanas Nausėda on the national agreement on defence Wednesday.
102 straipsnių
Lithuania’s Deputy Minister of Finance Valentin Gavrilov recently stated that he would continue celebrating Victory Day, Allied victory over Nazi Germany in the Second World War, on 9 May, like Russia does, rather than a day earlier. The Office of the President finds the deputy minister’s viewpoint ...
President Gitanas Nausėda on Friday attended the ceremony marking the transfer of ownership of the Klaipėda LNG terminal storage vessel Independence to Lithuania, which was followed by the hoisting of Lithuania’s national flag on the vessel, the president’s office has said in a press release.
President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda has signed the decree on the composition of the new Government. The new Cabinet so far will be two ministers short as it is still unclear who will head the Ministries of Environment and Justice.
President Gitanas Nausėda may approve the new Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday, his chief adviser Frederikas Jansonas has revealed.
President Gitanas Nausėda has met with the majority of ministerial nominees to the new Government and Prime Minister-designate Gintautas Paluckas thinks the head of state had a good opinion about them.
One of the crew who was flying on the Swiftair cargo plane that crashed in Vilnius was critically injured, Santaros Clinics said Monday. Vilnius City Municipal Council declared an emergency at the crash site, which was visited by President Gitanas Nausėda in the afternoon.
President Gitanas Nausėda has signed a decree appointing Social Democrat Gintautas Paluckas new prime minister.
President Gitanas Nausėda on Tuesday put forward Social Democrat Gintautas Paluckas as the candidate for the prime minister’s position.
On Monday, Gintautas Paluckas, the Social Democratic Party’s (LSDP) prime minister-designate, met with President Gitanas Nausėda to discuss potential candidates to the Cabinet of Ministers.
President Gitanas Nausėda sees a possibility of fixing the situation with the future Cabinet despite calling the Nemunas Dawn party’s inclusion the coalition a mistake, his adviser has said.
After the announcement that the Social Democratic Party (LSDP) has agreed to form a coalition government with Democrats For Lithuania and the Nemunas Dawn, President Gitanas Nausėda stated that leader of the Nemunas Dawn, Remigijus Žemaitaitis, should not hold a ministerial position as this might ne...
President Gitanas Nausėda has called his chief foreign policy adviser Asta Skaisgirytė as the best candidate for the foreign minister’s position in the new Government. The adviser herself told the media that the president and the Social Democratic Party (LSDP) would closely coordinate ministerial ap...
President Gitanas Nausėda expects the parliamentary election winners to build a coalition and agree on their key works now, his adviser has said, downplaying the Social Democrat leader’s refusal to take the prime minister’s job.
President Gitanas Nausėda says a quite stable Government can be set up by the Social Democrats, Democrats For Lithuania and the Farmers and Greens (LVŽS) if the parties manage to find a consensus on values-based issues.
The president’s chief adviser Frederikas Jansonas says he regrets that Jonas Survila, deputy chair of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), has decided to step down, referring to it as "brain drain" in politics.
On Monday, 28 October, President Gitanas Nausėda held meetings with representatives of the Social Democratic Party (LSDP) and the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) following the second round of 2024 parliamentary elections.
On Monday, after the second round of Lithuanian parliamentary elections, President Gitanas Nausėda will meet with leaders of political parties that have secured seats in the Seimas.
President Gitanas Nausėda does not think that the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) could form a coalition after elections even if it had more MPs than other parties in the 141-seat parliament.
Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, leader of the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), downplays the fact that President Gitanas Nausėda has refused to meet with his party before parliamentary elections, even though he had received leaders of other parties at the Presidential...