В понедельник, 26 сентября, в Латвии суд Рижского района продолжит рассмотрение уголовного дела, по которому двое граждан России обвиняются в незаконном проникновении на военную базу в Адажи прошлым летом. Ранее процесс был отложен из-за того, что оба обвиняемых не смогли прибыть на суд по техническ...
Saber Strike 2015
14 straipsnių
Суд Рижского района планирует сегодня начать рассмотрение уголовного дела, по которому двое граждан России обвиняются в незаконном проникновении на военную базу в Адажи прошлым летом, пишет rus.DELFI.lv со ссылкой на LETA.
After hackers broke into the website of the Lithuanian Army's Joint Staff, Lithuanian prosecutors sent out requests for legal assistance to foreign countries.
The Saber Strike 2015 exercise held in the Baltic states by NATO has nothing to do with the Alliance's alleged preparations for some annexation, says the chief of the training, US Major General Mark McQueen.
A demo military operation was performed in the Gaižiūnai training ground, central Lithuania, on Thursday in the framework of NATO's Saber Strike 2015 exercise, observed by Lithuania's president and generals of NATO countries.
More than fifty enemy soldiers crossed the Lithuanian border and moved to direction of Kaunas and overtaken Karmėlava International Airport. Italian, British forces and paratroopers were sent to deal with the situation in question.
Adažių poligone, Latvijoje prasideda tarptautinių pratybų „Saber Strike 2015“ antrasis etapas – bataliono lygmens lauko taktinės pratybos. Šiame pratybų etape bus vertinamas bendrai Estijos, Latvijos ir Lietuvos suformuoto Baltijos bataliono (BALTBAT) pasirengimas 2016 metais budėti NATO greitojo re...
The Wednesday's cyber attack on the website of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Joint Staff was plotted for at least two weeks, with requests sent from Iran, among other countries, says Rimantas Černiauskas, director of the National Cyber Security Centre.
Paratroopers of NATO forces landed above the Kaunas airport in Lithuania in early hours of Wednesday in an exercise to take over an airport seized by the enemy.
On 8 June, Field Training Exercise (FTX), Phase II of Exercise Saber Strike 2015, was formally declared open at the Lithuanian Armed Forces' General Silvestras Žukauskas Training Area in Pabrade and the parade ground of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Algirdas Mechanised Infantry Battalion, Lithuania's Mi...
120s: Major NATO drill in the Baltics, Summer police raids, Enrique Iglesias injured during performance, Motiejūnas advised to forgo national team ticket, Kavaliauskas hears praise from rival.
The US-organized international exercise, which is starting in the three Baltic states and Poland on Monday, shows NATO solidarity with the countries in the region that have fears in connection to Russia, says Lithuanian Major General Almantas Leika who is heading the exercise.
An international exercise Saber Strike 2015 will start concurrently in the three Baltic states and Poland on Monday to train roughly 6,000 troops from 13 NATO Allies and partner nations, concentrating the largest Allied capabilities on the soil of Lithuania since accession to NATO.
Troops from nine NATO countries took part in the main planning conference of the Saber Strike 2015 multinational exercises at the General Adolfas Ramanauskas Warfare Training Centre in Nemenčine on February 10-13.