Taavi Roivas EN

15 straipsnių


Technology companies from 14 countries around the world, including Australia, China, Canada, Switzerland and others have established partnership with Blockchain Centre Vilnius (BCV), which was founded just a year ago. In an annual event hosted by the centre on January 23, blockchain technology exper...

2019.01.25 15:11
Ian Kane

World government officials and private stakeholders met at the European Parliament in Brussels on the 24th May 2018 to discuss blockchain initiatives being undertaken in Australia, Canada, Japan, Lithuania and the United States, a press release from Blockchain Centre Vilnius states.

2018.06.08 12:58

Vice-President of the Riigikogu and former Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas, and the Deputy Chairman of the E-Estonia Support Group and the Environment Committee Kalle Palling sent a letter to five leading manufacturers of autonomous cars on March 7. In their letter, they are inviting major international...

2017.03.08 12:35
Eglė Samoškaitė, Ugnė Karaliūnaitė

Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas has a pretty clear idea about whether Russia could use force in the Baltic states to "defend" Russian compatriots - absolutely not. He is also clear about the reason for his optimism. The human rights situation in Russia leaves much to be desired, whereas people ...

2015.04.20 08:00

Due to political tensions that emerged in the Estonian government last week, chairman of the Reform Party, Prime Minister Taavi Roivas cancelled his visit to Lithuania and Sweden that was to take place on Monday; Foreign Trade and Entrepreneurship Minister Anne Sulling will go to the visit instead o...

2014.10.27 13:15

Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius, Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma and Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas signed in Tallinn on Saturday a join agreement on the Rail Baltica project and agreed on faster creation of a joint venture.

2014.06.26 12:43