Transparency International EN

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Transparency International e.V. (TI) is an international non-governmental organization which is based in Berlin, Germany, and was founded in 1993. Its nonprofit purpose is to take action to combat global corruption with civil societal anti-corruption measures and to prevent criminal activities arising from corruption. It publishes for example the Global Corruption Barometer and the Corruption Perceptions Index.

Justinas Šuliokas and Ludo Segers

Corruption has been habitually singled out as one of the major afflictions slowing down Lithuania’s development, a problem put down to the country’s Soviet legacy as well as frailty of its young institutions. Jovitas Raškevičius, of the Special Investigation Service (STT), notes that the effort Lith...

2018.02.23 11:29

Lithuania's largest companies have improved their average transparency score over the past three years, with the ranking topped by the telecoms services providers Tele2 (100 points) and Telia Lietuva (98 points) and the grocery chain Maxima LT (96 points), according to a study by Transparency Intern...

2017.10.31 14:35

Lithuania's decline on the annual Corruption Perception Index sends a message to the new government to avoid mistakes made by the earlier Cabinet of the Social Democratic Party and start specific tasks, says Sergejus Muravjovas, the head of the Lithuanian office of Transparency International.

2017.01.25 14:29

Lithuania remains among the most corrupt European countries – although Lithuanian residents paid fewer bribes to doctors and police officers in the past year, one in four residents have paid a bribe in the past 12 months, shows the Global Corruption Barometer published by Transparency International.

2016.11.16 10:40