In the last 2 years, the number of Lithuanian MPs who declare with which interest groups or lobbyists they meet has doubled. Last year, parliamentarians also announced 1,5 times more meetings than in 2017. These figures are reported in research conducted by Transparency International Lithuania, whic...
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Transparency International e.V. (TI) is an international non-governmental organization which is based in Berlin, Germany, and was founded in 1993. Its nonprofit purpose is to take action to combat global corruption with civil societal anti-corruption measures and to prevent criminal activities arising from corruption. It publishes for example the Global Corruption Barometer and the Corruption Perceptions Index.
The LRT Investigation Department has uncovered another Russian partner to Agrokoncernas. Fertiliser is also imported from the fertiliser factory Kuibyshev Azot, which is managed and whose shareholder is a member of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia, Viktor Gerasimenko. The head of the fertiliser factor...
Lithuania has, so far, achieved modest results in combating bribery in international business transactions, but the country has taken significant steps to improve these efforts, Transparency International said in a report published on Wednesday.
Seventy-five members of the 141-seat Seimas made public information about their meetings with interest groups and registered lobbyists during the Lithuanian parliament's past spring session, up from 45 who did so a year earlier, Transparency International Lithuania said on Wednesday.
Nongovernmental organization Transparency International is opening its traditional transparency school in Vilnius on Monday.
Thirty-one percent of businesses in Vilnius and 19 percent in Kaunas did not participate in a public procurement procedure because they though that the public tender was tailored for a particular company, a survey by Transparency International Lithuanian Chapter (TI Lithuania) has shown.
Corruption has been habitually singled out as one of the major afflictions slowing down Lithuania’s development, a problem put down to the country’s Soviet legacy as well as frailty of its young institutions. Jovitas Raškevičius, of the Special Investigation Service (STT), notes that the effort Lith...
President Dalia Grybauskaitė says that Lithuania's failure to improve its position in Transparency International's latest Corruption Perception Index shows that the country's bodies do not make sufficient use of the instruments they have to curb corruption.
Lithuania failed to improve its position in the latest Corruption Perception Index released by Transparency International on Wednesday.
Although residents of Lithuania still think that many areas in the country are badly affected by corruption, the past few years marked a significant decline in the number of cases they faced corruption, shows the latest Eurobarometer survey.
The Magnitsky Act adopted in Lithuania on the black list of Russian officials is merely a symbolic gesture with no benefits for efforts against corruption, says a representative of the Russian division of the counter-corruption non-governmental organization Transparency International.
Lithuania's parliament on Tuesday adopted a law ensuring confidentiality of persons reporting corruption and other offenses of officers and public servants. The law should take effect in January of 2019.
Lithuania's largest companies have improved their average transparency score over the past three years, with the ranking topped by the telecoms services providers Tele2 (100 points) and Telia Lietuva (98 points) and the grocery chain Maxima LT (96 points), according to a study by Transparency Intern...
One out of three members of the Seimas made public information about their meetings with organizations and registered lobbyists during the Lithuanian parliament's past spring session, Transparency International Lithuania said on Wednesday after analyzing parliamentarians' official calendars and pers...
Transparency International Lithuania on Tuesday urged President Dalia Grybauskaitė to veto the law on lobbyist activities adopted by the country's parliament earlier in the day.
Media organizations often avoid reporting negatively about authorities and institutions from which they receive publicity funds or report positively about them, a study by the Lithuanian office of Transparency International has revealed.
Lithuania's decline on the annual Corruption Perception Index sends a message to the new government to avoid mistakes made by the earlier Cabinet of the Social Democratic Party and start specific tasks, says Sergejus Muravjovas, the head of the Lithuanian office of Transparency International.
Lithuania dropped six places on the Corruption Perception Index last year, Transparency International non-governmental organization said on Wednesday.
Lithuania remains among the most corrupt European countries – although Lithuanian residents paid fewer bribes to doctors and police officers in the past year, one in four residents have paid a bribe in the past 12 months, shows the Global Corruption Barometer published by Transparency International.