What do community’s member think
While some only watched the LGBT march from the side, others took part themselves. The event attracted both LGBT community and people simply supporting them and believing that there is enough space for everyone in Lithuania. Although public awareness of the LGBT community in our country is raising, community member Mantvydas think that there is still room for improvement.
Situation not as good as it could be
“It is not as good as it could be. It could certainly be better, but times are changing, maybe in 20-30 years considerable changes would take place”, said Mantvydas.
One of the central problems that the Lithuanian LGBT community still encounters is that we do not have legal same-sex marriage in Lithuania. Austėja admits – she is really sad about it. “We still practice discrimination against people who just want to love”, she adds.

“Pride” parade is a big celebration
Mantas Mackevičius from LGBT community says that there are many reasons why he attends the “Vilnius Pride” parade, but for him it is not just a protest. It is also a big celebration.
“Everyone has the right to live the way she or he wants, the right to love – this is our life. We have the right share and celebrate it”, he said.
Asked how many times he has already participated in the event, Mackevičius smiles: “Less times than Gražulis. Gražulis has been involved more times”.
However, it was not the first time that Mackevičius had attended a parade of the LGBT community. He is very proud that such event has also been held in his hometown Kaunas. “I am from Kaunas; I had the opportunity to attend “Kaunas Pride”. It was a very big celebration, because what seemed impossible, nevertheless had happened”, Mackevičius explains.
Considerable changes felt in interactions with others

The fashion designer came out about his orientation quite early, when he was still at school, but even today he has to deal with some forms of bullying, even in doing business. “I have been open about my orientation since 9th grade, and it is very important for me not to hide, be open about it. It is the only way I can feel good about myself”, says Mantas and adds that he knows how to ignore haters. “There has always been some negativity, but I simply block them and move on”.
Fighting for the well-being of future generations
The LGBT community will have to fight for its rights for a long time to come, says Mackevičius, but he is happy to be able to contribute to the better life for future generations. “Just like women already seem to have all the rights, but for some reason we have not fully evolved to Homo Sapiens – the intelligent man, so to speak. I think this struggle would go on, and not only for us, but for many people. I do not think I will live long enough to see the desired results, but I am happy to contribute to for better future”, said Mantas.
In July, Vilnius was painted in rainbow colours for the “Vilnius Pride 2023” event. The participants gathered near the National Mažvydas Library and marched along Gediminas Avenue towards the Cathedral Square. The marchers waved flags and posters, played music and chanted about their freedoms and rights. Around 5,000 people took part in the event, including not only members of the LGBT community, but also people to who wanted to express their support and solidarity.