In his opening speech, the president expressed hope that the new military infrastructure facility, designed for a battalion-size unit, along with the other two military campuses launched this year in Vilnius and Šilalė, will enable the Lithuanian Armed Forces to grow and strengthen more rapidly.

„The development of military sites is one of the most successful recent projects of the national defence system. It is a vital investment in the security of the Lithuanian people,“ the president remarked, emphasising the improved conditions for Lithuanian soldiers.

Nausėda highlighted that modern military infrastructure enhances the appeal of military service, facilitating the expansion of personnel and the readiness of military units, crucial for the ongoing establishment of a fully operational infantry division.

Given Russia’s war on Ukraine and threats to the West, the president stressed Lithuania’s need for every well-trained, patriotic soldier capable of fighting back against aggressors.

Nausėda emphasised that the military campus in Šiauliai will play a significant role in Lithuania’s transition to universal conscription, a cornerstone of total national defence.

„This will be yet another site where the future strength of the Lithuanian Armed Forces will be nurtured,“ the president said.

The new military campus will accommodate the Duke Margiris Infantry Battalion of the Lithuanian Great Hetman Jonas Karolis Chodkevičius’ Infantry Brigade Žemaitija and the 6th National Defence Volunteer Force.

Together, these three new military campuses can house up to 2,400 soldiers or civilian personnel of the national defence system.

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