Last week, following reports of a mutated strain of coronavirus (COVID-19) in mink farms in Denmark, Spain, Italy, the USA, the Netherlands and Sweden, Lithuania took extra prevention measures, But as of 23 November, there will be no requirement for mandatory testing for the arrivals from these countries.

Depending on the rate of notifications and other criteria, all the countries are mapped into green, orange, and red areas. The grey group includes countries that fail to provide the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control with data available on the criteria or those with the 7-day testing rate lower than 300 cases per 100 000.

Lithuania currently lists countries in the grey area as affected. Travellers returning from or transiting these countries will be deemed to have been in contact and thus subject to 10-day isolation or required to evidence the test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) taken at maximum 48 hours before the entry to Lithuania with a negative result thereof.

This test can also be taken in Lithuania, but isolation will be mandatory until a negative testing result. Irrespective of the negative testing result, it is nevertheless recommended to avoid social contacts and gatherings for 10 days from return or arrival in Lithuania.

Third countries (non-European Economic Area countries) that are not included in the ECDC maps are classified as grey area countries.

These requirements will not be applicable in the case of those transiting through the affected countries travelling by air through the affected countries when not leaving the airport transit area.

Travellers by regular, special and charter flights of all modes of transport organised and operated by carriers, are required to register on the website of the National Public Health Centre under the Ministry of Health: and present the confirmation of the completed electronic form (QR code) to the carrier before boarding the vehicle, and in other cases - they are required to register with the National Public Health Centre within 12 hours of returning / arriving in the Republic of Lithuania.

The list of affected countries is published every Friday to take effect on Monday.

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