
13 articles


Atsirado nemažai europiečių, kurie, atvykę į Dubajų atostogų, ten pasiliko ilgiau. Sprendimą lėmė viltis išvengti karantino ribojimų gimtose šalyse, be to, nors gyvenimas kiek pakitęs ir Dubajuje, čia tikrai daugiau laisvės dirbti, mokytis, pramogauti ir ilsėtis. Baimindamiesi neigiamos reakcijos, k...

As of 23 November, Wales and Scotland have been added to the list of affected countries. Lithuania is currently mapped in the red area, and its list of affected countries includes only those countries and regions that are in the grey area: Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Liechtenstein and Switzer...

David Aitken

The Shakespeare Hotel in Vilnius started me thinking. Not because of its name, or its book-lined 'library room', or even the fact of its proximity to Vilnius University, where I was currently working. The Shakespeare and the Kempinsky in University Street are my two Lithuanian favourites, not least ...

David Aitken

My Lithuanian friend Diana is a mature student at one of the two universities in my home town, Dundee in Scotland. "Diana and David," she says to me, "we ought to form an international pop duo." "David and Diana would sound better," I try to persuade her.