JAV teisėsauga pirmadienį pareiškė federalinius kaltinimus dėl nusikaltimo iš neapykantos vyrui, subadžiusiam penkis žmones vieno Niujorko rabino namuose ir savo dienoraščiuose minėjusį nacių lyderį Adolfą Hitlerį.
Anti-Defamation League
4 articles
Количество антисемитских инцидентов в США резко выросло в первые месяцы 2017 года, подсчитали эксперты.
Recent research carried out by the Anti-Defamation League shows that 36 percent of Lithuanian adults hold anti-Semitic views. The results are worse than in Latvia or Estonia. Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Jewish community Faina Kukliansky claims she was very surprised by these results.
The Global Anti-Semitism Index has revealed that 36 percent of adults in Lithuania hold anti-Semitic views. According to the survey, four out of 11 stereotypes about Jews covered by the index can be found in Lithuania.