
22 articles

Karolis Broga

The European Union’s (EU) migration and asylum rules were tightened in early April, yet President Gitanas Nausėda and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who are participating in the 2024 presidential election, disagree whether Lithuania should accept 158 migrants annually or instead pay EUR 3 million ...

2024.04.29 15:55

On International Migrants Day (18 December), Statistics Lithuania announced that, over the last decade, 126,000 new residents immigrated into Lithuania while 438,500 emigrated. From 2005 to 2014, the percentage of emigrants of ages 20-39 grew from 51.9 to 59.2 percent. In 2014, as many as 82 percent...

2015.12.18 15:54

The 27 European Union (EU) Member States for which data are available granted protection status to 185,000 asylum seekers in 2014, up by almost 50 percent compared with 2013. Since 2008, more than 750,000 asylum seekers have been granted protection status in the EU, said Eurostat, the statistical of...

2015.05.12 16:42