Thanks to a direct bus connection from Vilnius, most Lithuanian visitors to the Czech Republic can travel to Prague and Brno. The rich history and outstanding cultural offering of smaller cities in the countryside is often overlooked. Gastronomy and local food are often one of the many reasons to en...
Bohumil Mazanek
3 articles
Šį kartą „Labas rytas, Lietuva“ rubrika „Iš arčiau“ kviečia susipažinti su Čekijos ambasadoriumi Lietuvoje Bohumilu Mazaneku, skelbia LRT.
When it comes to the labour market in Lithuania, now the employees are calling the shots, while most employers need to compete to attract and retain talent. In the sellers’ market, employers should not approach hiring like courting – instead of trying to find Mr or Ms Perfect, they should settle wit...