Vilnius is ready to share its European integration experience with Sarajevo, President Gitanas Nausėda says.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
7 articles
On Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry registered draft legislation on the appointment of new ambassadors to Germany, Italy and the Vatican.
Mūsų planetoje gausu vietų, kurios žavi nuostabiais vaizdais, keista topografija, floros ir faunos įvairove. Žemėje galybė vietų, kurios atrodo keistos ar neįprastos palyginus su tuo, ką esame įpratę matyti savo kasdienybėje. Štai keletas jų.
On 10 November, the European Commission (EC) adopted its annual Enlargement package - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement. In the set of annual reports, the EC has assessed where Turkey and the countries of the Western Balkans - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugo...
Lithuanian Ambassador to Hungary, Rasa Kairienė, has been appointed as Ambassador to three Balkan countries: Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosnia and Herzegovina opened its market to Lithuanian beef and its products, the Lithuanian Government said.
The United Nations (UN) Security Council has adopted the resolution proposed by Lithuania, which suggests extending the European response force peace-keeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.