With pretty much everyone agreeing that decoupling between the West and China would be extraordinarily costly, the new buzzword in Western capitals has shifted to “de-risking.” But unless policymakers clarify what that term does and does not mean, it could do more harm than good.
Carl Bildt
19 articles
Carl Bildt – tai švedų politikas ir diplomatas, buvęs ministras pirmininkas. Šiuo metu jis eina Švedijos užsienio reikalų ministro pareigas. Pilnas jo vardas yra Nilsas Danielis Karlas Biltas.
Carl Bildt, a former Swedish prime minister and foreign minister, says that people in other parts of Europe know too little about the history of Lithuanian partisans who fought against Soviet rule.
Tai viena ryškiausių nuotraukų iš sekmadienį, kovo 26 dieną, Maskvoje vykusios akcijos prieš korupciją – keli policijos pareigūnai į policijos mašiną neša baltą paltą vilkinčią merginą.
If during The Rīga Conference 2015 we began witnessing Kremlin’s adventure in Syria, today we observe casualties and the number deaths of this escapade. During the last 12 months, the world has beheld terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, aggression of Russian football fans during Euro-2016 in Fr...
The current rush of refugees is arguably the greatest challenge for the European Union throughout its history. One should hope that the crisis can be solved without endangering the overall European project.
I decided to dedicate one more essay in the "Putin's Russia" series to Russian oligarchs because of one piece of news that attracted much less attention in Lithuania and internationally than it warranted: the former foreign minister of Sweden and one of the fiercest critics of President Valdimir Put...
Lithuania is in a perfect position to irritate Russia enough to force Moscow out its current misinformation offensive into the defensive, says J. Michael Waller, an American expert on information warfare. In an interview with DELFI, he shares some tips how even a country as small as Lithuania could ...
Ukrainos prezidentas Petro Porošenka paskyrė savo padėjėju JAV senatorių Johną McCainą, kuris yra vienas iš Amerikos Kongreso vanagų ir pasisakė už konflikto krečiamos Ukrainos aprūpinimą letaline ginkluote, paskelbė šalies vadovo administracija.
Lithuania's former prime minister Andrius Kubilius has been invited to join the council of foreign advisers set up by Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko to help implement reforms in the country.
The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV would like to present Carl Bildt’s take on the situation in Russia. Former Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke during a panel discussion at the Snow Meeting and the Vilnius Forum of Intellectuals, which took place on 16 January in Vilnius.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said after arrival at the meeting of European Union's (EU) foreign ministers on Monday that the West would make a mistake by tiptoeing around Russia, saying that the possible US arms supply to Ukraine would be a sensible step.
Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė leads the annual rating Top-10 Ukraine's Promoters in the World 2014 presented by the Institute of World Policy, the President's Office said on Thursday.
The traditional informal Snow Meeting and the Vilnius Forum of Intellectuals began on 15 January. At the opening of the Forum, Lithuania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius stressed the importance of dialogue with the Russian society.
Trakuose sausio 15 dieną prasidėjo tradicinis neformalus „Sniego susitikimas“ (Snow meeting) bei Vilniaus intelektualų forumas, kurį atidarydamas užsienio reikalų ministras Linas Linkevičius pabrėžė dialogo su Rusijos visuomene svarbą.
Without much of a fervour or pomp last week saw the end of the most prominent and quite efficient couple in the Foreign Affairs Council. Carl Bildt and Radoslaw Sikorski left the stage and took up their new roles. It’s an end of an era and I am afraid also an end to their most precious pet project o...