VILNIUS, Sep 19, BNS - Agriculture Minister Andrius Palionis is meeting with representatives of two Japanese companies on Thursday to discuss their plans to import Lithuanian products.
Common Agricultural Policy
5 articles
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) launched a €1 billion loans package targeting specifically young farmers. In 2017, 27% of the loan applications submitted to banks by EU young farmers were rejected, compared to only 9% for other farms.
The European Commission proposes to allocate 552 million euros at current prices in the EU's 2021-2027 budget for the decommissioning of Lithuania's Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP).
Lithuania voted on Monday against EU ministers' position on agriculture funding after 2020 as they failed to agree on leveling out differences in direct payments between member states.
The European Commission is aware of the issue of different levels of direct payments for farmers and will make efforts to make these payments uniform across the bloc, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in Vilnius on Friday.