Daugiau nei pusė šalies gyventojų šįmet tikisi pajamų augimo, 7 proc. punktais, palyginti su 2022 m., padaugėjo tikinčių, kad augimas bus didesnis nei 10 proc., atskleidžia reprezentatyvi šalies gyventojų apklausa.
24 articles
Trečiadienį, lapkričio 3 d., Glazge buvo surengtas protestas netoli pastato, kuriame vyksta klimato kaitos konferencija COP 26. Atvykę policijos pareigūnai konfiskavo pripučiamąją Loch Neso pabaisą. Garsioji Nesė buvo „Jubilee Debt Campaign“ suorganizuoto protesto dalis. Šio judėjimo vykdomosios dir...
Skolų valdymo įmonių grupė „Easy Debt Service“ (EDS) per šių metų pirmąjį ketvirtį įsigijo skolų portfelių už 18 mln. eurų, gavo 2 mln. eurų pajamų, o valdomą turtą padidino beveik 10 mln. eurų iki 30,4 mln. eurų.
Skolų valdymo bendrovė „Easy Debt Service“ (EDS) už neskelbiamą sumą įsigijo reikalavimo teises į Medicinos banko neveiksnių paskolų portfelį, kurio nominali vertė įsigijimo metu siekė 10 milijonų eurų. Tai jau trečiasis šio banko paskolų portfelis, kurį administruoti įsigyja EDS – praėjusių metų pa...
The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry sees no need for issuing ultra-long debt yet, but might consider doing so if the country needed to raise money for a large, important project, the business daily Verslo Zinios reported on Thursday.
For almost every second family with financial liabilities, those liabilities are a great financial burden, but households with instant credit face the most difficulties, according to the latest survey of household financial behaviour commissioned by the Bank of Lithuania.
4finance, the leading consumer credit company in Lithuania, has had its licence revoked by the Bank of Lithuania following repeated violations.
Liberal Remigijus Šimašius, who has been serving as the mayor of Vilnius for 100 days, says that he managed to reduce the city's debt by 2.4 percent or EUR 8.6 million in the period from late April to early July.
Lithuania's parliamentary speaker, Loreta Graužinienė, said on Wednesday that Lithuanian people "do not have to cover Greek debts" and that she doubted if Greece's parliament would pass the reforms promised by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in exchange for financial assistance.
Economist Dr.Zoltan Pogatsa believes that the Eurozone states of the former Eastern bloc have been duped by the major powers into firmly opposing Greece. They are being led to believe that Athens is damaging to their economies. It's all a deception, the Hungarian professional of political economy ar...
Europeans are starting to realize how sombre the situation is for the Greek people and sympathize with their plight, says Dimitris Papanikolaou, academic from Oxford University. The austerity measures imposed on Greece have done little to get the country out of debt and a lot to dismantle welfare pr...
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' speech in Strasbourg on Wednesday did not convince Lithuanian MEPs who said they only heard excuses but not real proposals on ways to deal with the debt crisis after Greek voters turned down creditors' demands in a referendum on Sunday.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė says that the Greek government still does not understand what may happen to the state if its authorities do not take responsibility for their actions and that the eurozone's leaders are still "far away from" a deal with Greece to resolve the debt crisis.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė said on Monday that Greece would not leave the eurozone, but if it did, this would have no negative impact on the Lithuanian economy.
Greece wants to feast and to have other countries pay its bills, Lithuania’s president has said, adding that Lithuania has a tough stance towards the Greek debt crisis in particular as the country does not want, in the president's words, to take responsibility for several decades of living beyond it...
„Dots“. Ko jau ko, bet žaidimų išmaniesiems įrenginiams ir telefonams tikrai netrūksta. Vis dėlto, žinant, kad mobiliųjų žaidimų industrija praėjusiais metais augo 42 proc. ir buvo vertinama 25 mlrd. JAV dolerių, nesunku suprasti, kodėl daugelis nori šio pyrago kąsnelio.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, who took part in an informal meeting of the European Council on Thursday, says that all member-states of the eurozone must carry out a responsible fiscal and economic policy and Greece is no exception.
Europos Sąjunga (ES) privalo nutraukti „spazmiškus“ veiksmus prieš Rusiją, sekmadienį pareiškė naujasis Graikijos užsienio reikalų ministras, kuris pridūrė, kad sprendžiant ES klausimus Graikijos negalima ignoruoti vien dėl to, kad ji skolinga pinigų.