Keturiuose dezinformaciją platinančiuose lietuviškuose portaluose reklamuojasi ir tokiu būdu melagienas remia daugiau nei 300 lietuviškų prekės ženklų, rodo nevyriausybinės organizacijos tyrimas. Tyrėjai negalėjo tiksliai įvertinti paramos dydžio, tačiau teigė, kad tai dešimtys tūkstančių...
Debunk EN
6 articles
The Debunk EU analysis of COVID-19 related disinformation in three Baltic countries in May revealed that more than a half of this kind of news was published in Latvia (59%). Almost one third of them (28%) was recorded in Lithuania, and less than 13% in Estonia. A total of 265 cases were detected per...
The Debunk EU initiative, which has been operating in Lithuania for more than two years, is expanding to neighboring countries – its partners in Latvia and Estonia published the first research material on disinformation last week. In Latvia, the initiative operates under the name, in Es...
“Pharmaceutical industry denies the fact that vitamin C kills coronavirus”, “Lithuania has chosen natural selection – only the strongest will survive”, “NATO “helps” Lithuania by spreading Covid-19”. These are just a few false facts recently spread in Lithuania. Algirdas Kazlauskas, analyst at Debun...
The Alliance for Securing Democracy, an independent organization operating in the United States, has launched a monitoring of misleading information in China this week. A new version of the “Hamilton” dashboard, which has so far been used to track Russian disinformation, has been developed for this ...
The Internet giant Google has presented its video about Debunk EU during the Google News Initiative’s conference in Amsterdam, which attracted 183 media representatives from 29 countries. The initiative had originated in Lithuania and it helps countering disinformation.