More than half – 51 percent – of Lithuanian residents oppose the president’s decision to strip Margarita Drobiazko of her Lithuanian citizenship, a poll commissioned by the LRT national broadcaster shows.
Dmitry Peskov
8 articles
The Citizenship Commission met on Thursday and issued a recommendation to the president to strip Russian-born figure skater Margarita Drobiazko of Lithuanian citizenship for supporting the Kremlin.
Margarita Drobiazko has spoken out against proposals to strip her of Lithuanian citizenship, calling them a “witch hunt” and claiming she is not taking part in Russia’s propaganda activities.
President Gitanas Nausėda says Minister of the Interior Agnė Bilotaitė should submit her findings before he may decide whether Lithuania’s figure skater Margarita Drobiazko should be stripped of citizenship.
Dažnai į „Melo detektoriaus“ akiratį dėl dezinformacijos skleidimo patenkantis dalinasi klaidinga informacija. Portale patalpintame straipsnyje teigiama, kad Rusija sustabdė gamtinių dujų tiekimą Europos Sąjungos šalims.
Rusai, kurie gėdijsi savo šalies „specialios karinės operacijos“ Ukrainoje, nėra tikri rusai, Kremlius pranešė penktadienį, rašo „Reuters“.
When the Order and Justice party negotiated with the then still whole Social Democrats to join the latter’s’ coalition, the usual division of posts proceeded. Order and Justice received the post of minister of the interior. It turned out that among them, they lacked a politician capable of handling ...