Didžiosios Britanijos gynybos ministerija naujausius Rusijos karinius veiksmus rytų Ukrainoje vertina kaip galbūt didžiausią per praėjusius mėnesius įvykdytų puolimų bangą.
74 articles
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania strongly condemns the so-called “elections” of governors, regional legislatures, city and municipal councils, organised by the Russian government and its collaborators on 8-10 September in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Rep...
2014 m. gegužės 9 d. nufilmuotas vaizdo įrašas, kuriame matomi gatve dideliu greičiu lekiantys tankai su Ukrainos vėliavomis, panaudotas, siekiant įtikinti, esą šią dieną Mariupolį terorizavo „Azov“ būrys, sukėlęs civilių žmonių mirtis. Tai – netiesa. Ši operacija buvo kruopščiai išanalizuota tyrėjų...
A Spaniard, deemed undesirable, has been sent out of Lithuania on Thursday.
The Lithuanian government will help four Ukrainians from the war-hit eastern regions of Luhansk and Donetsk to finance their studies in Lithuanian universities, the Education, Science and Sports Ministry said.
Lithuanian diplomats are working toward a coordinated EU policy of not recognizing Russian passports issued to residents of Eastern Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry said, adding that the country will take unilateral action if the initiative fails.
Подписание Путиным указа о предоставлении паспортов жителям "ДНР" и "ЛНР" сразу после выборов в Украине свидетельствует о намерении РФ обострять конфликт в Донбассе.
Lithuania's government on Wednesday decided to hand over seven used digital TV transmitters to Ukraine in an effort to help restore television broadcast in the Donetsk region, where part of the territory is controlled by Moscow-supported separatists fighting Kiev forces.
Ukraine is in need of constant attention and support, Lithuania's Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said after meeting with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko in Kiev on Thursday.
As the situation in Eastern Ukraine remains unpredictable, Europe must at least keep in place the existing sanctions against Russia, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said.
Daugėja separistų lyderio Motorolos nužudymo versijų: bijo, kad dabar Ukrainai bus tik blogiau (563)
Donecke kartu su apsaugininku žuvo vienas iš separatistų lyderių Arsenijus Pavlovas, geriau žinomas Motorolos slapyvardžiu. „InfoResist“ pasiteiravo ekspertų, kam galėjo būti naudinga jo žūtis ir ar šis įvykis negali paaštrinti konflikto Rytų Ukrainoje.
Vienas iš savavališkai nepriklausomybę paskelbusios „Donecko Liaudies Respublikos“ lyderių Aleksandras Zacharčenka konstatavo, kad Ukraina pažeidė „ramybės“ režimą, rašo inforesist.org.
Ukrainos prezidentas Petro Porošenka teigia, kad šįkart, po ilgų kautynių Rytų Ukrainoje mėnesių, paliaubų susitarimas veikia, praneša AP.
Does the international perception of Russia as an expansionist and warmongering country sit well with the mood of Russia's population?
Praeitą ketvirtadienį Seimas atmetė konservatorių rezoliucijos projektą, kad Lietuvos komunistų partija (LKP) būtų pripažinta nusikalstama organizacija ir šalies gyventojų genocido vykdytoja. Už projektą balsavo 37 Seimo nariai, prieš – 24, susilaikė 33 parlamentarai.
Lukashenko’s fortunes have changed. Once known as “Europe’s last dictator,” he has won friends in Europe, while antagonizing his traditional ally, Russia. It’s a situation that has left the Kremlin in a difficult positon: should it punish Belarus for its pro-Western tendencies? Or should it continue...
The leader of a Donetsk separatist military group, Eastern Front, Eduard Akopov is married to a Lithuanian and had a permanent residence permit in Lithuania, according to the State Security Department (VSD).
NATO-Russian relations are where they are, at historic lows, because of what Moscow does, not because of how Western nations react to it, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius argues in an op-ed piece for Politico. Russia needs to prove it deserves to be spoken to, while holding meetings for...
The future of international sanctions against Russia depends primarily on whether Moscow will implement the Minsk agreements on the settlement of the military conflict in Ukraine, said Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius on Tuesday at his annual press conference.
While Lithuania‘s political leadership vehemently supports Ukrainian statehood and territorial integrity, there are residents in the country who support separatists in Ukraine and even fight on their side. One such person has recently had his residency permit revoked.