Have you ever wondered why you feel energized in the morning but sluggish in the afternoon? Or why pulling an all-nighter leaves you feeling groggy for days? The answer lies in your circadian rhythm, which works like an internal clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle and other bodily functions.
607 articles
Самая большая зарплата в Литве в марте составляла 101 000 евро, а больше 10 000 евро "на бумаге" в среднем своим работникам выплатили около 90 компаний, таковы данные Фонда социального страхования ("Содры"). Самые большие зарплаты были в сфере развлечений и СМИ.
NordBalt power interconnection between Lithuania and Sweden went offline on Monday morning due to a fault, stated Lithuania’s electricity transmission system operator Litgrid.
Самые большие зарплаты в марте 2024 года своим работникам выплатила компания Live Nation Lietuva, занимающаяся организацией концертов. Четыре ее работника в среднем получили по 101 200 евро, сообщает агентство BNS со ссылкой на Фонд социального страхования ("Содру").
The Government on Wednesday gave the green light to the Energy Ministry’s roadmap for hydrogen development in Lithuania in 2024-2050. The ministry was obligated to implement the roadmap in cooperation with state institutions and social partners.
Amber Grid, Lithuania’s gas transmission system operator, has filed a lawsuit against Alvora, the contractor for the construction of the GIPL gas pipeline, for damages for non-performance of the GIPL construction contract, the company has reported.
On Wednesday, President Gitanas Nausėda opened the Baltic Sea High Level Energy Security Meeting at Vilnius Town Hall, said the president’s press service.
Average wholesale electricity price decreased by 11% in Lithuania last week and was the lowest this year, shows data published by Litgrid, Lithuania’s electricity transmission system operator.
Law enforcement conducted searches at the company Alvora, the main contractor that constructed Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) in Lithuania. The Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) confirmed to the news website 15min.lt on Thursday that searches were also simultaneously carried ...
EPSO-G Group, a group of energy transmission and exchange companies, has reported that its audited adjusted net profit for 2023 amounted to EUR 24 million and remained stable compared to EUR 24.7 million in 2022. The Group’s investment in projects to strengthen energy independence was a record of al...
Соединенные Штаты призвали власти Украины прекратить атаки на российскую энергетическую инфраструктуру, пишет в пятницу, 22 марта, газета Financial Times со ссылкой на собственные источники в Белом доме. Как отмечает издание, этот призыв связан с опасениями США роста мировых цен на нефть, а также от...
Enefit Green erected the first 230-metre wind turbines in Kelmė I wind farm (80 MW) located in western Lithuania. A total of 14 wind turbines will be installed, which will start producing about 270 gigawatt-hours of renewable energy per year, Enefit Green said in a press release.
In February 2024, compared with January 2024, wholesale electricity price in Lithuania was by 36% lower and stood at EUR 74.78/MWh. Electricity price in Latvia dropped by 36% to EUR 74.78/MWh, while in Estonia it dropped by 40% to EUR 75.52/MWh.
On 12 March 2024, AB AUGA group and its subsidiaries, which develop sustainable agricultural technologies and solutions, commenced the supply of biomethane gas through the natural gas system operated by the gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid.
Energy company Elektrum Lietuva announces it will develop a 65 megawatt (MW) solar park in Šalčininkai, a southeastern town. The park is set to start generating electricity in 2025, with the investment totalling EUR 38 million.
Electric car charging service Ignitis ON suffered a cyberattack on Sunday, 11 February, and data of at least 20,000 clients has been leaked.
Самая большая средняя зарплата в декабре 2023 года в Литве составила больше 100 000 евро, а больше 10 000 евро "на бумаге" в среднем своим работникам выплатили около 100 компаний, таковы данные Фонда социального страхования ("Содры"). В первую пятерку вошли компании, занимающиеся рекламой, производс...
В Вестминстерском магистратском суде Лондона в четверг, 1 февраля, начался процесс против экологической активистки Греты Тунберг. Ее обвиняют в нарушении общественного порядка.
The State Security Department (VSD) has examined the ties of Aivaras Stumbras, the son-in-law and business partner of former president Rolandas Paksas, which may pose a threat to national security. According to investigative journalists from the public broadcaster LRT, Stumbras’ business projects ha...
Didžiausia vidutinė alga vienoje bendrovėje gruodį viršijo 100 tūkst. eurų, o didesnį nei 10 tūkst. eurų vidutinį atlyginimą „popieriuje“ praėjusį mėnesį mokėjo apie 100 įmonių, rodo naujausi „Sodros“ duomenys. Į pirmąjį penketą patenka reklamos, gamybos, prekybos ir logistikos bendrovės.