European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

22 articles

Grigorijaus Kanovičiaus romanas „Šėtono apžavai“ sulaukė svarbaus pasaulinio įvertinimo. Balandžio 22 d. pranešta, kad Jungtinėje Karalystėje išleistai knygai paskirta 2020 EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Literatūros premija, pranešė Lietuvos rašytojų sąjunga. Romaną „Šėtono ...


Ministers of finance of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the European Commission and NASDAQ appealed to the global provider of equity indexes MSCI for a possibility of assessing the Baltic states not individually, but as a single region in using an industry classification system. The aim is to start a...

Darius Janulevičius is stepping down from the leading post of the Lithuanian Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant amid allegations of lack of transparency in the sales of the company's properties.

Lithuanian society is having reasonable doubts about the suitability of the top executive of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) to continue in the post amid suspicions from the law enforcement, says Lithuania's Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis.

Pierre Vimont, Carnegie Center

Economic reform is central for today’s Ukraine. The capacity of the Ukrainian nation—leadership and population together—to deliver a modern and efficient economy, if achieved, would constitute the winning asset in the West’s current struggle with Russia in Eastern Europe.

George Rukhadze

The fourth Eastern Partnership Summit was held in Riga on 21-22 May 2015. The joint Declaration of the Riga Summit did not reaffirm either the European perspective of the Eastern European Partnership countries consistently demonstrating the best performance or the political support to Georgia and Uk...