Internete platinama melaginga naujiena, kad Nyderlandų gydytojams nurodyta pradėti eutanazuoti autizmą ir kitą protinę negalią turinčius piliečius, net jei esą pacientas ir nebenori mirti. Tokio nurodymo tikslas yra išvalyti planetą, tačiau visa tai yra melas.
6 articles
A new law on euthanasia will not be discussed in the term of office of this parliament after once again Social Democrat Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė‘s bill was removed from the agenda of the session.
A Lithuanian artist believes that the journey to death could be a rollercoaster ride. Literally.
Euthanasia cannot be legalized in Lithuania at the moment, the country's Social Democratic Health Minister Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė says.
The Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas, Loreta Graužinienė, says she does not agree with the proposal to legalize euthanasia in the country.
Lithuanian MP Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė of the Social Democratic Party has proposed a bill legalizing euthanasia.