Last week’s news that, for the past two years, the Government led by Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius has been covertly negotiating a draft Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration at the United Nations caused quite a stir in Lithuania. The turmoil following the revelation of this fa...
Hillary Clinton EN
25 articles
Hillary Rodham Clinton (née Hillary Diane Rodham; born October 26, 1947) is an American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer and public speaker. She was First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, the United States senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, and the 67th United States secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Clinton was the Democratic Party nominee for president of the United States in the 2016 election, the first woman nominated by a major U.S. political party.
The defeat of Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election has resulted in well-founded concerns for the U.S. and Europe. Lithuania is no exception. Currently, our concerns about the safe future are being addressed and soothed by highest U.S. officials, including Vilnius-residing Ambassador Ann...
Lithuania's Foreign Vice-Minister Raimundas Karoblis says that the US foreign policy should not undergo major changes after election of Republican candidate Donald Trump as its new president.
With the US presidential elections underway, Lithuanian analysts say that in terms of relations with the Baltic States, Hillary Clinton’s policies would be more predictable than Donald Trump’s. The Lithuanian President has earlier stated that regardless of who becomes the President of the United Sta...
There are indications in the US election campaign that other states are meddling in the presidential race, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said on Thursday, referring to Russia.
Meksikiečių kilmės amerikiečių aktorė Eva Longoria penktadienį smarkiai sukritikavo Respublikonų partijos kandidato į JAV prezidentus Donaldo Trumpo pasirinktą kandidatą į viceprezidentus Mike'ą Pence'ą, kuris pareiškė, kad demokratai vėl užsiminė „apie tą meksikietišką dalyką“ kritikuodami jo pozic...
Lithuania's Parliamentary Speaker Loreta Graužinienė would vote for Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton in US presidential elections.
Demokratų kandidatė į JAV prezidento postą Hillary Clinton rugsėjo 26 d. teigė neabejojanti dėl Rusijos surengtų kibernetinių atakų prieš visų rūšių JAV organizacijas, o jos konkurentas kovoje dėl šalies prezidento posto D. Trumpas teigė, kad „Islamo valstybė“ laimi kibernetinį karą.
Lithuanian politicians and political experts discussed the US presidential elections on Wednesday, including Hillary Clinton's apparent victory in the Democratic primaries as well as Donald Trump's Republican candidacy.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė has been included in Forbes Magazine's annual list of the world's 100 most powerful women. Grybauskaitė took 72nd place.
A year ago, Donald Trump was barely considered a serious Republican presidential candidate. Now, After Tuesday's victory in the Indiana primary, Trump needs only 200 delegates until he can claim the title of Republican candidate for the presidency of the USA.
A campaign video by US presidential candidate Donald Trump has elicited comment from Russian President Vladimir Putin. The ad, attacking Trump's presumptive opponent Hillary Clinton and featuring Putin performing a martial arts move, is a "demonization of Russia", according to a statement from the K...
As the presidential race in the United States picks up pace, political analyst Simonas Klimanskis looks at which of the front-runners for the Democratic and Republican parties’ nominations would pursue foreign policies that are in the best interests of the Baltic States and Eastern Europe.