Jewish history

16 articles

Adam Keiras | the Lithuania Tribune, Great Britain

Since 2011, The Lithuanian Embassy in London along with other organisations have been running the Litvak days. Litvak Days is essentially a celebration and teaching of the impact of Lithuanian Jews on society, including subjects such as architecture, music, culture and arts in general.


The central Lithuanian town of Kėdainiai has decided to erect a monument to Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, the philosopher, scholar and Jewish religious leader known as the Vilna Gaon, the daily Lietuvos Žinios reported on Friday.

International museum professionals and architects are working on Museum of Šeduva Jewish history, which will be using the most advanced technologies to tell its visitors about the history and culture of similar Litvak shtetls.

Louis Garrick

The town of Zarasai, nestled in the picturesque north-east of the country amongst sparkling lakes and gently rolling hills, may be best known as a summer holiday destination, but for two days this weekend it chose to highlight a different side of its cultural history. To mark the European Days of Je...

The Lithuania Tribune, BNS

The Great Synagogue of Vilna was once to Jewish culture and religion what the Vatican is to Christendom, say archaeologists from the United States and Israel who are researching the edifice which was razed to the ground over half a century ago. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription ...