About 1,000 people took part in a controversial rally organized by the Union of National Youth in central Vilnius, chanting slogans "Lithuania for Lithuanians". The event was held on March 11, when Lithuania celebrated the 26th anniversary of independence from the Soviet Union.
Julius Panka EN
4 articles
On 11 March, when Lithuania is celebrating its Independence Day, the Lithuanian Nationalist Youth Union and the Lithuanian Nationalist Centre will hold a march along Vilnius central street from the Cathedral to the parliament building.
Some betting companies in Lithuania allow placing bets on the results of the upcoming mayoral elections in Vilnius. At the moment, incumbent Artūras Zuokas is thought to have the best chances of winning, while Julius Panka from the Lithuanian Nationalist Union has the slimmest chances.
The referendum on a ban of sale of agricultural land to foreigners and legal entities, held in Lithuania on Sunday, has failed due to bad timing, Julius Panka, the coordinator of the referendum’s initiative group, believes.