During the ongoing survey organised by an international green energy company, Ignitis Renewables, to assess the feasibility of the offshore wind farm, a 70 metres long and 6 metres high sunken ship was discovered. The wreck, lying 38 metres deep, was discovered by a geophysical survey vessel Fugro F...
Klaipėda University
13 articles
Consumer trends and the closed nature of the Baltic Sea are making the problem of plastic pollution in water more and more acute. Drones and satellite information will be used to more effectively identify areas of concern on the Lithuanian and Latvian coasts. After analyzing it, scientists will pres...
Scientists and practitioners of international renown will share their knowledge of shipping, ports, biotechnologies and other prospective areas at Klaipėda University (KU). By making use of the unique Blue Growth Leaders Academy programme, the port city looks to accelerate the growth of its blue eco...
Growing new talents and providing top-quality education is what every university is striving for. Looking from the business perspective, the value that a university adds to the city is of the highest importance. Largest in the Western region of Lithuania - Klaipėda University provides specialists in...
Last week Klaipėda city development agency "Klaipėda ID" for the second year in a row organized a profession orientating project called "Future Engineers" encouraging school students to choose a study path in engineering and IT. As a result, last week over 200 students have visited related companies...
Lithuanian-grown white-leg shrimp may in the near future appear on the menus of the country's restaurants and on the shelves of retail stores, the daily Lietuvos Žinios reported on Friday.
The Lithuanian Air Force and the Klaipėda University have agreed to hold a joint expedition for search of airplanes that crashed between World War I and II.
The Lithuanian government approved on Wednesday a university network reorganization plan worked out by the Education and Science Ministry and will now send it to the parliament.
Opening of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) competence centre in the seaport is a significant event for the Lithuanian LNG cluster members in the outgoing year 2016. A modern training infrastructure, which was marshalled in business incubator of Klaipėda University (KU), will serve the LNG terminal e...
The dream of Klaipėda University (KU) scientists of finding the legendary interwar ship President Smetona (Prezidentas Smetona) may finally be coming closer to reality with an expedition in the Baltic Sea.
For parents who wish to give their children original Lithuanian names, there is plenty to choose from. Not all Lithuanian-sounding names, however, have Baltic provenance or come from time immemorial, linguists say.
Geoterma, a Lithuanian company, has received permission to use geothermal water from a underground well in Klaipėda for the first time for health purposes.
Klaipėda University‘s training sailboat Brabander is preparing for its longest journey yet – a 5,000-mile-long odyssey along the coast of Norway, a brief pause in the Shetland and the Faroe Islands, and then around Iceland.