Eighteen countries around the globe have issued a joint statement to mark the anniversary of Alexei Navalny’s death, which followed years of persecution by the Kremlin, the Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.
114 articles
President Gitanas Nausėda says the tragedy in Medininkai 33 years ago showed the weakness of the Kremlin regime. He voiced his hope that Russia repeating similar actions will be defeated in the war against Ukraine.
The State Security Department (VSD) does not rule out the possibility of provocations in Lithuania ahead of 9 May, when Russian communities observe the victory over Nazi Germany.
Once again, social media is spreading information about luxury purchases allegedly made by the family of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This time, Zelensky's mother-in-law is accused of spending €5 million on a luxurious villa in an upscale Egyptian resort. „Lie Detector“ provides arguments...
Kremlin propaganda portals and social media accounts are actively spreading news about the alleged involvement of a charity foundation by Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska in child trafficking. They allege that children are sold to into slavery, trafficked for organs, or send to paedophiles in wea...
Rusijos žiniasklaida skelbia, kad žudynes Maskvos koncertų salėje surengę teroristai buvo penki, su savimi jie turėjo didelį kiekį šaudmenų ir degaus skysčio, veidus slėpė po kaukėmis. Pasak liudininkų, į žmones šaudę žudikai veikė taip, tarsi viską būtų iš anksto anksto kruopščiai suplanavę ir rimt...
Lithuania’s State Security Department (VSD) believes that Tuesday’s attack on Russian citizen Leonid Volkov, former chairman of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), was likely organised and carried out by Russia. He was assaulted and beaten outside his home in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, suf...
The Kremlin’s aim is to polarize the society and create distrust in the country’s institutions, the national defence minister said Thursday in comment on the recent activity of Russian special services in the region.
President Gitanas Nausėda thinks that Russia will be focused on the war in Ukraine for two more years but ultimately the Kremlin is willing to challenge NATO.
By the end of 2023, two different trends have emerged quite clearly as it comes to the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Can we say that the borders of the European Union (EU) are safe from abuse by the agents of the Kremlin? No, we cannot. And this is not just a small vulnerability. It is a massive, but hopefully not a deliberate access route into the EU, which is used by those, whom we most need to keep out: Kremlin...
Figure skater Margarita Drobiazko has appealed against President Gitanas Nausėda’s decision to take away her Lithuanian citizenship she was granted thirty years ago by exception.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania strongly condemns the so-called “elections” of governors, regional legislatures, city and municipal councils, organised by the Russian government and its collaborators on 8-10 September in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Rep...
Foreign Minister says in absentia conviction of Lithuanian judges yet another provocation by Kremlin
Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis says a Moscow court’s decision to arrest the three Lithuanian judges who passed verdict in the January 13th case is yet another attempt by the Kremlin to stir up the tensions.
Lithuania has refused political asylum to Belarusian citizen Olga Karach, human rights activist who heads the international centre for civil initiatives Our House (Nash Dom), Belarus & Lithuania.
On Thursday, President Gitanas Nausėda participated in a special meeting of the European Council, where the afternoon session on Ukraine was also attended by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine, the President’s Communication Group said in a press release.
Ukraine still lacks weapons to win the war against Russia whereas Western politicians lack leadership to help the country at war as they prefer to appease their voters, Russian opposition activists and experts have said.
Laisvaslaikrastis.lt pasirodė publikacija, kurioje neva buvęs prancūzų karys pasakoja, kad Ukrainos karių vykdytus karo nusikaltimus. Tačiau jo teiginiai – melas.
Российские СМИ продолжают рассказывать об угрозах территориальной целостности Украины со стороны Запада. Сайт "Взгляд.ру" опубликовал очередную колонку, автор которой утверждает: страны Европейского союза (Румыния, Венгрия и Польша) "готовы поучаствовать в разделе украинского пирога". Объясняем, что...
The massacre in Bucha near Kyiv can be called genocide and the perpetrators must be held accountable, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis told the told Deutsche Welle on Tuesday.