The NATO summit meeting could have ended in failure – there were talks about US President Donald Trump's ultimatum of withdrawing from the Alliance. However, after tense minutes of a closed meeting, the American's moods changed. The Lithuanian president was among those, who received thanks for such ...
Lars Lokke Rasmussen
4 articles
Sirijos prezidentas Basharas al Assadas ir jo šalininkai „privalės atsakyti“, jei pasitvirtins informacija apie numanomą nuodingų dujų ataką sukilėlių kontroliuojamame Dumos mieste, pirmadienį pareiškė Didžiosios Britanijos premjerė Theresa May.
Danish troops protect not only the Baltic nations, but also their own country as they conduct NATO's Baltic air-policing mission, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said during his visit to Lithuania on Monday.
Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen is coming to Lithuania next Monday.