Praėjusį šeštadienį Londono centre įsikūrusiame universiteto koledže (angl. University College London, UCL) vyko kandidatų į Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentus debatai. Pusantros valandos trukusią diskusiją moderavo žurnalistas Edmundas Jakilaitis. Į debatus Londone atvyko keturi kandidatai: Ingrida Š...
3 articles
The annual charity ball, continuing a worthy tradition, took place on November 17 in London organised by the Lithuanian community in the United Kingdom, the members of which, together with British representatives from business, politics, the arts and culture, demonstrated their solidarity with those...
The Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom (LCCUK) is continuing its tradition of supporting vulnerable social groups and on 17 November 2017, together with the Embassy of Lithuania in the UK, is inviting Lithuanian and foreign guests to a Charity Ball supported by the former Lithuania...