
7 articles

Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė

Nine Lithuanian nationals, including mothers with young children, have been evacuated from Lebanon as arranged by Lithuanian diplomats and their partners. They reached Rzeszow in southeastern Poland on a flight organised by Ukraine from Beirut late Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry has said.


Beiruto uoste ketvirtadienį kilo didelis gaisras, libaniečiams dar neatsigavus po praėjusį mėnesį sostinę sukrėtusio ir gyvybių pareikalavusio galingo sprogimo. Libano sostinėje buvo matyti į dangų kylantys juodi dūmai. Pasak kariuomenės, gaisras apėmė sandėlį neapmuitinamoje teritorijoje, kur laiko...

Ludo Segers | the Lithuania Tribune

Imagine for a moment that almost half of the population of Vilnius was Ukrainian refugees fleeing the civil war that rages on with the help of Putin's Russian army. That is the present situation in Lebanon, which is hosting several million Syrian refugees.