If Vladimir Putin made one thing clear over the years, it’s that no power but Russia—not the U.S., the European Union, or even China—is allowed to meddle in the security affairs of its former Soviet stomping ground.
13 articles
Суда "Ocean Viking" и "Open Arms" международных спасательных организаций с сотнями мигрантов не пускают в порты Италии или Мальты. Министр юстиции Норвегии предложил спасателям вернуть беженцев на родину.
Ливийская национальная армия (ЛНА), которую поддерживает российская ЧВК Вагнера, начала поход на Триполи, ранее объявив о переброске сил в западный регион, на который распространяется власть признанного мировым сообществом и заседающего в Триполи Правительства национального согласия (ПНС) премьера Ф...
Maltoje nusileido užgrobtas Libijos keleivinis lėktuvas: keleiviai paleisti, pagrobėjai paprašė politinio prieglobsčio (68)
Pranešama, kad Maltoje nutūpė užgrobtas „Afriqiyah“ oro linijų eksploatuojamas „Airbus 320“ lėktuvas. Jame yra 118 žmonių, tarp jų – septyni įgulos nariai, taip pat vienas arba du užgrobėjai. Libijos vyriausybė patvirtino, kad užgrobtas lėktuvas nusileido Maltoje. Libijos lėktuvą užgrobusieji sutiko...
The biggest threat to NATO is our own inertness and unwillingness to protect our values, said Kurt Volker, former NATO Ambassador and Executive Director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
At the NATO Joint Force headquarters in Brunssum, commander Salvatore Farina told the Estonian military administration that a decision on the garrison of NATO military forces in the Baltic states will be made at the alliance's summit meeting in Warsaw.
The Lisbon Treaty was designed to fundamentally alter the Common Foreign and Security Policy. At last, the EU was supposed to have the answer to Kissinger’s famous question: who do you call if you wish to speak with Europe? Solidarity, enhanced cooperation and streamlined decision-making were the fu...
Discussions about the refugee crisis and how to solve it has moved from the European Union to the United Nations General Assembly, where most national leaders spoke about settling the conflicts in Syria and Iraq and fighting international terrorism. Among the highlights were the speeches and meeting...
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius, on Monday is taking part in the European Union's Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels.
At a press conference at the Latvian Foreign Ministry, United States Ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute said that Russia's aggressive actions in Crimea and Donbas had completely changed the rules of the game. NATO must therefore prepare for future challenges and offer the necessary support to its partn...
Tai vienintelė diena metuose, galinti pakeisti tūkstančių bankininkų gyvenimą – diena, kai ore tvyranti neapykanta ir baimė tarsi ranka apčiuopiama. Diena, kuriai lygių neturi nė vienas kitas verslo sektorius, rašo „The Independent“.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius is participating at the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg on Monday.
With help from Spain, a Lithuanian citizen was evacuated from violence-struck Libya, Lithuania's Foreign Ministry has said.