Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis proposes to appoint Lieutenant Colonel Gintaras Koryzna as commander of the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union (LRU).
Liudas Gumbinas EN
7 articles
Lithuania's parliament adopted amendments allowing members of the Riflemen's Union to keep semi -automatic guns in their homes last summer, however, not a single rifleman has been granted a permit yet.
In the wake of discussions about suitability of a riflemen to head one of the units after posing in front of a Russian flag, the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union has pledged to step requirements for members and leaders.
Civic resistance would be one of the essential factors granting success if Lithuania has to defend against aggression, says Commander of the Lithuanian Riflemen's Union Retired Lieutenant Colonel Liudas Gumbinas.
Kai buvęs Ukrainos prezidentas Viktoras Janukovyčius pabėgo iš šalies, prorusiški protestuotojai suįžūlėjo: ten, kur sugebėjo, separatistai plėšė milicijos būstines ir apsirūpino lengvaisiais ginklais, užiminėjo valdžios pastatus, gatvėse nebeliko milicijos, todėl baimindamiesi marodierių gyventojai...
On Friday, 11 July, in the garden of Kaunas Vytautas Magnus Museum, the new commander of the Riflemen Union was been officially sworn in. The reserve’s Colonel Antanas Plieskis officially ceded leadership of the union to Colonel Lieutenant Liudas Gumbinas, and the newly appointed commander is alread...
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Liudas Gumbinas, recently appointed commander of the Lithuanian Riflemen’ Union, has called on people in Lithuania to join the organization, hoping that the number of its members will rise by at least a third in three years.