Mantas Zalatorius, suspected of corruption, is stepping down as head of the Association of Lithuanian Banks. He was temporarily suspended in June after suspicions were brought against him.
Mantas Zalatorius EN
10 articles
Aidas Budrys, vice president of the Association of Lithuanian Banks, has been appointed the banking body's acting president after its president Mantas Zalatorius, suspected of corruption, was suspended.
Mantas Zalatorius, president of the Association of Lithuanian Banks, who was on Tuesday detained on suspicion of influence peddling, was released later in the day following his interrogation, his lawyer said.
Valdas Sutkus, the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), and Mantas Zalatorius, the president of the Lithuanian Banks' Association (LBA), and another four people were detained by law-enforcement officials on Tuesday on suspicions of unlawful influence on legislative processes.
„Lietuvos žurnalistų autoklubo“ asociacijos vadovas Valdas Valiukevičius DELFI pasakojo jau kuris laikas negalintis naudotis klubo internetine bankininkyste. Kaip tikino, problema čia susijusi su „Swedbank“ prašoma užpildyti juridinių asmenų anketa. Vyras stebėjosi, kad tokias anketas asociacijų vad...
Last year, bank profits were the largest since 2007 and their incomes were built by loan interest payments. Is the Lithuanian banking system stable and do the citizens actually receive the best possible services? Bank Association president Mantas Zalatorius and Seimas Budget and Finance Committee ch...
Almost fifty Lithuanian and foreign capital banks have worked in Lithuania since 1989. There have been German, Irish and Polish banks, which eventually withdrew from the country or went bankrupt, Association of Lithuanian Banks president Mantas Zalatorius recalls. More competition would only benefit...
There is too great a concentration of Swedish banks in Lithuania, thus one of them should be sold. This was a statement by Seimas Budget and Finance Committee chairman Stasys Jakeliūnas on Wednesday. SEB bank and Swedbank – these are namely two Swedish capital banks operating in Lithuania and other ...
A future without cash was the subject of the Swedish-Lithuania Business Forum on Thursday in Vilnius. How to achieve that cashless society, the merits and some of the challenges was the main subject of presentations and panel discussions. Sweden gives us a closer look as to how the cashless future i...
The Lithuanian central bank has initiated a dialog between commercial banks and virtual currency traders on their attitudes toward cryptocurrencies.