Maria Christina Lundqvist

6 articles

Ludo Segers | the Lithuania Tribune

A future without cash was the subject of the Swedish-Lithuania Business Forum on Thursday in Vilnius. How to achieve that cashless society, the merits and some of the challenges was the main subject of presentations and panel discussions. Sweden gives us a closer look as to how the cashless future i...

20 tūkst. eurų – tokio dydžio parama atiteko konkurso „Už ryšį, kuriuo galiu pasitikėti“ nugalėtojui Dariui Juravičiui. Jo socialinio verslo idėja ekspertų komisijos buvo pripažinta verčiausia pagrindinio prizo, skelbiama organizacijos „Reach for Change“ pranešime spaudai.

Ludo Segers | the Lithuania Tribune, Corporate Client article

Lithuania has come a long way from being one of the most hazardous road environments in the EU. Road fatalities have decreased substantially over the last 10 years. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Education and enforcement contribute to overall safety. The main factors to achi...

Maria Christina Lundqvist, Neris Germanas

The names and places associated with the atrocities that stain the world’s recent history are only too well known: Guernica, Babi Yar, Sharpeville, Treblinka, Hiroshima, Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica and, more recently, Aleppo and Yemen, to name but a few. The memories of those who have suffered are a...