Prezidentė Dalia Grybauskaitė sako, kad Lietuvos diplomatai bendrauja su Vokietijos pareigūnais dėl Berlyne rasto Vasario 16-osios akto galimo perdavimo, bet sprendimų kol kas nėra priimta.
Michael Hollmann
3 articles
Lithuania's Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius says that conversations with Germany's government over handover of the February 16 1918 Independence Act to Lithuania are going well, downplaying the opinion stated by Germany's head archivist who said that the document could only be lend on temporary b...
The president of the German Federal Archives says that Germany could lend Lithuania the original copy of its 1918 declaration of independence recently found in Berlin for a year, but it should not hand the document over to the country.