Middle East

86 articles

Призрак арабской весны — вновь на улицах Сирии. На юге страны вот уже месяц не прекращаются протесты. Вместе с требованиями улучшить условия жизни все настойчивее звучат политические лозунги, вплоть до призыва к смене режима. Люди рвут и жгут портреты Башара Асада и обещают стоять до победного конца...

2023.09.17 17:55

On behalf of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, his Foreign Policy Advisor Deividas Matulionis has expressed appreciation to Ambassador of Israel Amir Maimon for his gesture of solidarity and respect to Lithuanian freedom fight against the Soviet occupation, Prime Minister’s press office reported in...

2017.12.21 11:23

Четыре страны, разорвавшие дипломатические отношения с Катаром, направили в Доху 13 требований, которые необходимо выполнить для отмены бойкота. В частности, Саудовская Аравия, Египет, Объеденные Арабские Эмираты и Бахрейн требуют, чтобы Катар закрыл свою телекомпанию "Аль-Джазира".

2017.06.24 12:24

With the EU's resettlement programme having reached its midway point, Lithuania faces the challenge of taking in more than a thousand refugees from the Middle East within slightly more than a year and successfully integrating them into the society. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscript...

2016.07.28 11:35
Ramūnas Vilpišauskas

The European Union once had great ambitions to spread democracy in its immediate neighbourhood, but now it has to make do with more pragmatic goals, says political scientist Ramūnas Vilpišauskas.

2016.07.21 07:00
the Lithuania Tribune, DELFI

The latest wave of refugees and migrants to Europe has barely touched Lithuania, and only 11 have been relocated to Lithuania out of its total quota of 1,105. However, many people have expressed a number of unclear fears about the migrants and refugees and seem to lack solidarity with Western Europe...

2016.05.25 08:07