President Gitanas Nausėda supports the idea that the decades-long conflict between Israel and Palestine should end with a two-state solution, says his chief foreign policy adviser.
Middle East
86 articles
Lithuania must reconsider its security concept as soon as possible in response to dramatic developments in the international arena, says Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis. The global structure created after the Cold War is crumbling right in our very eyes and yet Lithuania still avo...
On 10 October, an Informal video conference of EU ministers of foreign affairs on the situation in Israel and the Middle East region took place in Oman following the attack on Israel by Hamas, reports the Foreign Ministry.
Призрак арабской весны — вновь на улицах Сирии. На юге страны вот уже месяц не прекращаются протесты. Вместе с требованиями улучшить условия жизни все настойчивее звучат политические лозунги, вплоть до призыва к смене режима. Люди рвут и жгут портреты Башара Асада и обещают стоять до победного конца...
"Турции крайне важно быть в западном лагере", - говорится в статье главы управления по коммуникациям администрации турецкого президента Фахреттина Алтуна в журнале Middle East Eye.
Futbolo žvaigždė Mo Salah „Madame Tussauds“ muziejuje Londone pirmą kartą akis į akį susipažino su savo vaškiniu antrininku. Sportininko dvynį bus galima apžiūrėti jau nuo penktadienio. „Liverpool“ klubo ir Egipto futbolo rinktinės kapitonas, apžiūrinėdamas vaškinę savo kopiją, neslėpė šypsenos ir s...
Саудовская Аравия начала реализацию "стратегического плана", призванного ослабить и впоследствии сместить с поста президента Турции Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана.
Lenkijos vyriausybė susitarė su Jungtinėmis Valstijomis bendrai organizuoti Artimųjų Rytų konferenciją, tikėdamasi sustiprinti ryšius su Vašingtonu ir užsitikrinti geresnę apsaugą nuo Rusijos.
On behalf of Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, his Foreign Policy Advisor Deividas Matulionis has expressed appreciation to Ambassador of Israel Amir Maimon for his gesture of solidarity and respect to Lithuanian freedom fight against the Soviet occupation, Prime Minister’s press office reported in...
Четыре страны, разорвавшие дипломатические отношения с Катаром, направили в Доху 13 требований, которые необходимо выполнить для отмены бойкота. В частности, Саудовская Аравия, Египет, Объеденные Арабские Эмираты и Бахрейн требуют, чтобы Катар закрыл свою телекомпанию "Аль-Джазира".
Власти Великобритании объявили о введении запрета на провоз большинства электронных устройств в салоне самолетов, прибывающих из Турции, Ливана, Иордании, Египта, Туниса и Саудовской Аравии.
With the EU's resettlement programme having reached its midway point, Lithuania faces the challenge of taking in more than a thousand refugees from the Middle East within slightly more than a year and successfully integrating them into the society. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscript...
The European Union once had great ambitions to spread democracy in its immediate neighbourhood, but now it has to make do with more pragmatic goals, says political scientist Ramūnas Vilpišauskas.
Does the international perception of Russia as an expansionist and warmongering country sit well with the mood of Russia's population?
The latest wave of refugees and migrants to Europe has barely touched Lithuania, and only 11 have been relocated to Lithuania out of its total quota of 1,105. However, many people have expressed a number of unclear fears about the migrants and refugees and seem to lack solidarity with Western Europe...
Refugees fleeing conflicts in the Middle East is not a problem just for Europe to solve, says US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Benjamin G. Ziff.
Over the past several years, whenever Moscow entered into a difficult encounter on the Western “front,” it has typically tried to show interest in expanding ties in the Asia-Pacific.
Lithuania is planning to send several military doctors to Jordan to help the Middle Eastern country handle refugees from Syria, President Dalia Grybauskaitė said.
Each Russian leader picks a subject he is an expert in and Vladimir Putin's subject is history. "That is why in order to understand Russia, we must understand Russian history," says Professor Nina Khrushcheva of the New School University in New York.