Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz has called on Lithuania to amend its legislation so that ethnic minority parties do not have to reach the threshold of votes needed to enter the Seimas.
Minority rights
4 articles
Žmogus be namų, kurį dažniausiai galima sutikti kitoje objektyvo pusėje, bet kuriame žemyne, bet kokiomis oro sąlygomis tarp skirtingų, kartais atstumtų, sužalotų žmonių.
The Government of Lithuania on Wednesday backed an inter-institutional action plan for promoting non-discrimination and will allocate over EUR 1.4 million for research and promotion of public tolerance towards groups suffering from discrimination.
Eight thousand names that are in breach of the standard language norms have been registered in Lithuania, so such forms of the person's name could be transferred to a person's identity documents, presume the representatives of the European Foundation of Human Rights (EFHR).